Thursday, July 16, 2009

Big Boy Bed!!

We did it! Henry has officially slept in his big boy bed and it was a smashing success! He slept for 6 hours with no wake-ups and when he did, just simply wandered his way to our room to see what we were doing in the wee hours of the morning. No crying, no freaking out, no problems. He seems to love it! Hooray! Maybe we have finally made a stride toward success against our long list of failures in the sleeping department. Of course, once he woke up I rewarded him by letting him sleep with us for the rest of the night:)...probably a really bad idea, but hey, baby steps, right? Mommy finally got a couple of hours of shut-eye, too ( I had been pretty much awake since he went down). Ross, of course, had no problem at all going right to sleep with the occasional "he's fine babe...don't worry about him." This was not much help since I still envisioned him either falling out of the bed (somehow over or around the massive safety railing that we have installed), being kidnapped by unexpected robbers, or wandering around the house without my knowing it. The mind really wanders when there is nothing left on T.V. Hopefully, tonight will be even better and I will get some sleep without Henry next to me. Don't hold your breath......

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