Friday, September 25, 2009

Lots to update you on! has been a while. My computer officially decided to rebel and since I could not upload pics at all--no way, no how--we got a new one. So, maybe I'll be better at blogging now!

There is much a buzz in the Brereton household! First and foremost, we are about 37 weeks and counting down to Benton's arrival. Last week, at my doctor's appt., we found out that I am already 2 cm and starting to efface, so he may be coming sooner than we expect!! He is still measuring a very large baby (they are prepping me for an over 9 pounder!!)--his measurements are all well into the 90th percentile. Of course, that is provided that we make it to 39-40 weeks. I keep telling Ross that just because I am gearing up for a large boy, he will probably be 5 lbs....fine with me. Honestly, I just want a healthy baby...but a 7 pound healthy one would be just as nice as a 9 pound one!! :) We are very excited...and finally ready. Here are a few pics of the nursery so everyone can see...... All packed and ready to go......
A view from the door......

Next......we got a dog! Yes, you did read that correctly. We got a dog. Sucker must be my middle name. I never thought I would give in, but I did. She (yes a girl--I need something a little feminine in this house) is a lab/golden retriever mix and her name is Maggie. Needless to say, Henry loves her. He wakes up every morning and runs to her kennel just to see if she's still there. He's genuinely surprised each time she is. He knows his mommy well:). She's really good, I have to say. It's definitely something that we are all getting used to: Henry in the sense that he cannot for the life of him understand why he cannot pick her up and drag her everywhere by her tail or face(he also bites her--great-- which everyone who knows him well understands completely), mommy in the sense that I am not used to a puppy yelping to go outside so early each morning, and daddy bc poo-poo piles are his expertise, not mine:). It is a big responsibility, but one that we are all adjusting well to. Seeing Henry with such a big smile on his face playing with Maggie is such a treat. Here are some pics of them playing and posing.

Next, we have a new niece!!!! Molly Claire Harbison was born on October 22, 2009 at 10:18 a.m. weighing in at 7 pounds even and measuring 20 and 3/4 inches long .She is a knockout! What a cutie! We didn't get any good close-ups of her after she was born but we did get a few of her with her daddy and grandfather and a shot of the hot new mama! Katy looked absolutely fantastic after Molly was born and is adjusting to new motherhood very well from what I hear. We are so thrilled to have a new member of the family!! Last but not least, we,of course, have been to the farm on multiple weekends, and Henry enjoyed it more than ever. I, on the other hand, was absolutely spent after every weekend. He wore me out getting into everything all day long. He is such a busy little guy that it's hard for his very pregnant mama too keep up!! He adores Peanut the Pig (aka "Nut" to Henry) and I wish I could record the noise he makes when you ask him what Peanut says!! So funny! We missed the Cotton Pickin' Celebration this year, and I was sad....but little Benton is first on our minds, so Daddy, Drew and Matt went up without us to help out. We had a nice weekend at home together with Clarissa and Sutton, but we hated to miss all the fun! And....we did miss Daddy a little, too! Here are some farm pics for you to enjoy!!! Sporting Grandaddy's hat--he loves that thing and tried to wear it out the door a few times!!
I am thinking that my next post will be Benton's arrival, so keep us all in your prayers for a healthy baby and a safe delivery!!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like yall have been super busy. The puppy is soo cute and Henry is getting so big! What a exciting time for you guys! I cant wait to meet Benton!
